#!/usr/bin/perl -T ###################################################################### # # source -- Present sourcecode as html, complete with references # the '/icons' images are available in any standard Apache installation # # Arne Georg Gleditsch # Per Kristian Gjermshus # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ###################################################################### use strict; use lib do { $0 =~ m{(.*)/} ? "$1/lib" : 'lib' }; # if LXR modules are in ./lib =head1 source script This script manages navigation across the source-tree and individual file display. =cut use LXR::Common; use LXR::Markup; use LXR::Template; use Local; =head2 C Internal function C is a support routine for C and C. It works around the protection implemented in C which prevents from inserting HTML elements in the "description". =over =item 1 C<$templ> a I containing the HTML element without delimiters =item 2 C<$path> a I containing the path of the icon file =back Custom delimiters are added to the HTML element which is transformed into a file link by C. The custom delimiters are replaced by standard HTML delimiters in the returned link which is then sent back to caller. =cut sub iconlink { my ($html_elt, $path) = @_; my $link = fileref ( "\0S$html_elt\0E" , '' , $path ); $link =~ s/\0S//g; # Ending delimiter return $link; } =head2 C Function C is a "$variable" substitution function. It returns an HTML-string containing an C A E> block surrounding an C IMG E> tag for a folder icon. The link allows to jump to the directory. =over =item 1 C<$templ> a I containing the template (empty for a "variable") =item 2 C<$node> a I containing the name of the directory =item 3 C<$dir> a I containing the name of the parent directory =back If parameters C<'iconfolder'> and C<'diricon'> have been defined, use the designated icon; otherwise revert to the default Apache icon. =cut sub diricon { my ($templ, $node, $dir) = @_; my $img; if ($node eq '../') { if (exists $config->{'iconfolder'} && exists $config->{'parenticon'} ) { $img = $config->{'iconfolder'} . $config->{'parenticon'}; } else { $img = '/icons/back.gif'; } } else { if (exists $config->{'iconfolder'} && exists $config->{'diricon'} ) { $img = $config->{'iconfolder'} . $config->{'diricon'}; } else { $img = '/icons/folder.gif'; } } return iconlink ( "img src=\"$img\" alt=\"folder\"" , $dir . $node ); } =head2 C Function C is a "$variable" substitution function. It returns an HTML-string containing an C A E> tag linking to the directory. =over =item 1 C<$templ> a I containing the template (empty for a "variable") =item 2 C<$node> a I containing the name of the directory =item 3 C<$dir> a I containing the name of the parent directory =back =cut sub dirname { my ($templ, $node, $dir) = @_; if ($node eq '../') { return fileref('Parent directory', 'dirfolder', $dir . $node); } else { return fileref($node, 'dirfolder', $dir . $node); } } =head2 C Function C is a "$variable" substitution function. It returns an HTML-string containing an C A E> block surrounding an C IMG E> tag for a file icon. The link allows to jump to the file. =over =item 1 C<$templ> a I containing the template (empty for a "variable") =item 2 C<$node> a I containing the name of the file =item 3 C<$dir> a I containing the name of the parent directory =back If parameters C<'iconfolder'> and various icon descriptors have been defined, use the designated icon; otherwise revert to the default Apache icon. =cut sub fileicon { my ($templ, $node, $dir) = @_; my $img; my $link; my $graphic = $config->{'graphicfile'}; my $icons = $config->{'icons'}; if (exists $config->{'iconfolder'}) { if ($node =~ m/(\.([^.]+)?)$/) { my $ext = $2; while (my ($pat, $iconfile) = each %$icons) { if ($ext =~ m/^($pat)$/i) { $img = $config->{'iconfolder'} . $iconfile; keys %$icons; # reset iterator return iconlink ( "img src=\"$img\" alt=\"file\"" , $dir . $node ); } } if ($ext =~ m/^($graphic)$/) { return iconlink ( 'img src="' . $config->{'iconfolder'} . $config->{'graphicicon'} . "\" alt=\"graphic file\"" , $dir . $node); } } return iconlink ( 'img src="' . $config->{'iconfolder'} . $config->{'defaulticon'} . '" alt="file"' , $dir . $node ); } # Fallback to some generally universally available icons # in case the above feature is not defined # but they are usually not appealing. if (!defined $img) { if ($node =~ /\.[ch]$/) { $img = '/icons/c.gif'; } elsif ($node =~ /\.(cpp|cc|java)$/) { $img = '/icons/c.gif'; } elsif (substr($node, -4) eq '.txt') { $img = '/icons/text.gif'; } elsif ($node =~ /\.(jar|war|ear|zip|tar|gz|tgz|cab)$/) { $img = '/icons/compressed.gif'; } elsif ($node =~ /\.($graphic)$/) { $img = '/icons/image2.gif'; } else { $img = '/icons/generic.gif'; } } return iconlink ( "img src=\"$img\" alt=''", , $dir . $node ); } =head2 C Function C is a "$variable" substitution function. It returns a HTML-string containing an C A E> tag linking to the file. =over =item 1 C<$templ> a I containing the template (empty for a "variable") =item 2 C<$node> a I containing the name of the file =item 3 C<$dir> a I containing the name of the parent directory =back =cut sub filename { my ($templ, $node, $dir) = @_; return fileref($node, 'dirfile', $dir . $node); } =head2 C Function C is a "$function" substitution function. It returns its expanded argument, inserting the file size where appropriate. =over =item 1 C<$templ> a I containing the template (i.e. the function argument) =item 2 C<$node> a I containing the name of the file =item 3 C<$dir> a I containing the name of the parent directory =back In the present implementation, specifying a size unit in the argument makes no difference. The size is "scaled" according to its textual length. =cut sub filesize { my ($templ, $node, $dir) = @_; my $s = $files->getfilesize($dir . $node, $releaseid); my $str; $str = $s . ' '; if (length($s) > 6) { $s >>= 10; $str = ${s} . 'ki'; if (length($s) > 7) { $s >>= 10; $str = ${s} . 'Mi'; } } # if ($s < 1 << 10) { # $str = "$s"; # } else { # # # if ($s < 1<<20) { # $str = ($s >> 10) . "k"; # # # } else { # # $str = ($s>>20) . "M"; # # } # } return expandtemplate( $templ, ( 'bytes' => sub { return $str }, 'kbytes' => sub { return $str }, 'mbytes' => sub { return $str } ) ); } =head2 C Function C is a "$variable" substitution function. It returns a human-readable date/time string for the file last-modification date. =over =item 1 C<$templ> a I containing the template (empty for a "variable") =item 2 C<$node> a I containing the name of the file =item 3 C<$dir> a I containing the name of the parent directory =back The last-modification date is extracted from the database. =cut sub modtime { my ($templ, $node, $dir) = @_; my $file_time = $files->getfiletime($dir . $node, $releaseid); return '-' unless defined($file_time); return _edittime($file_time); } =head2 C Function C is a "$variable" substitution function. It returns a human-readable date/time string for the file indexation date by I. =over =item 1 C<$templ> a I containing the template (empty for a "variable") =item 2 C<$node> a I containing the name of the file =item 3 C<$dir> a I containing the name of the parent directory =back The indexation date is extracted from the database. If it does not exist (file was never indexed or modified since indexation), a single dash is return. =cut sub indextime { my ($templ, $node, $dir) = @_; my $index_time = $index->filetimestamp ( $dir . $node , $files->filerev($dir . $node, $releaseid) ); return '-' if !$index_time; return _edittime($index_time); } =head2 C Function C is a "$function" substitution function. It returns a short description for a file or a subdirectory in a directory listing. If no description can be extracted, the called support routines MUST return the string " " to keep the table looking pretty. =over =item 1 C<$templ> a I containing the template (empty for a "variable") =item 2 C<$node> a I containing the name of the file =item 3 C<$dir> a I containing the name of the parent directory =item 4 C<$releaseid> a I containing the version name Presently, not used. =back Control is passed to custom function located in F. =cut sub descexpand { my ($templ, $node, $dir, $releaseid) = @_; if (substr($node, -1) eq '/') { return expandtemplate ( $templ , ('desctext' => sub { return dirdesc($dir . $node, $releaseid); } ) ); } elsif (LXR::Lang::parseable($dir.$node, $releaseid)) { return expandtemplate ( $templ , ('desctext' => sub { return filedesc($node, $dir, $releaseid); } ) ); } else { return ' '; } } =head2 C Function C is a "$variable" substitution function. It returns a CSS class name depending on line parity. =over =item 1 C<$templ> a I containing the template (empty for a "variable") =item 2 C<$line> an I containing the line number of the display =back =cut sub rowclass { my ($templ, $line) = @_; return ((($line - 1) / 3) % 2) ? 'dirrow2' : 'dirrow1'; } =head2 C Function C is a "$function" substitution function. It returns its template argument expanded for every node in the directory. =over =item 1 C<$templ> a I containing the template =item 2 C<$dir> a I containing the directory name =back The directory content is obtained from the storage engine. The template is expanded depending on the nature of the node, file or directory, because processing of the nested substitutions is slightly different in each case. =cut sub direxpand { my ($templ, $dir) = @_; my $direx = ''; my $line = 1; my %index; my @nodes; my $node; # Since CVS does not manage directory version, # ensure we always request 'head' for directories. @nodes = $files->getdir ( $dir , $files->isa('LXR::Files::CVS') ? 'head' : $releaseid ); unless (@nodes) { print( "

\nThe directory " . $dir . " does not exist, is empty or is hidden by an exclusion rule.\n

\n"); if ( $files->isa('LXR::Files::CVS') && !$HTTP->{'param'}{'_showattic'} ) { print("

\n"); print("This directory might exist in other versions,"); print ( " try 'Show attic files' or select a different", , $config->{'variables'}{'v'}{'name'} , ".\n" ); print("

\n"); } return; } unshift(@nodes, '../') unless $dir eq '/'; foreach $node (@nodes) { if (substr($node, -1) eq '/') { $direx .= expandtemplate ( $templ , ( 'iconlink' => sub { diricon(@_, $node, $dir) } , 'namelink' => sub { dirname(@_, $node, $dir) } , 'filesize' => sub { '-' } , 'modtime' => sub { modtime(@_, $node, $dir) } , 'indextime'=> sub { '' } , 'dirclass' => sub { rowclass(@_, $line++) } , 'dirindexclass' => sub { 'dirindex' } , 'description' => sub { descexpand(@_, $node, $dir, $releaseid) } ) ); } else { $direx .= expandtemplate ( $templ , ( 'iconlink' => sub { fileicon(@_, $node, $dir) } , 'namelink' => sub { filename(@_, $node, $dir) } , 'filesize' => sub { filesize(@_, $node, $dir) } , 'modtime' => sub { modtime(@_, $node, $dir) } , 'indextime' => sub { my $t = indextime(@_, $node, $dir); if ('-' eq $t) { if (LXR::Lang::parseable($dir.$node, $releaseid)) { return 'Not valid' }; return '-'; } $t } , 'dirclass' => sub { rowclass(@_, $line++) } , 'dirindexclass' => sub { if ( !$index->filetimestamp ( $dir.$node , $files->filerev ( $dir.$node , $releaseid ) ) && LXR::Lang::parseable($dir.$node, $releaseid) ) { 'dirindexinvalid' } else { 'dirindex' } } , 'description' => sub { ( $files->isa('LXR::Files::CVS') && 0 <= index ( $files->toreal($dir . $node, $releaseid) , 'Attic' ) ? 'In Attic ' : '' ) . descexpand(@_, $node, $dir, $releaseid); } ) ); } } return ($direx); } =head2 C Procedure C retrieves the C<'htmldir'> template and launches template expansion. =over =item 1 C<$dir> a I containing the directory name =back The procedure dispatches to C (located in I) for a description of the directory and to C for content edition. =cut sub printdir { my $dir = shift; my $templ; $templ = gettemplate ( 'htmldir' , "
  • \$iconlink \$namelink\n}
\n" ); # print the listing itself print(expandtemplate ( $templ , ( 'files' => sub { direxpand(@_, $dir) } , 'description' => sub { dirdesc($dir, $releaseid) } , 'indexstate' => sub { displayindexstate('source') } ) ) ); } =head2 C Function C returns an HTML C SPAN E> block containing revision and author information for the next file line. =over =item 1 C<$currev> a I containing the requested version for the file =item 2 C<$r> a I to a I containing the revision of the previous line =item 3 C<$bg> a I to a flag toggling between 0 and 1 =back I It returns an empty string if the repository manager has no annotation (either by design, I plain files, or disabled by configuration parameters). The returned block is a blank string if the line is part of the same change set as the previous line (to have a cleaner screen). Revision information is checked for space overflow and eventually truncated as per repository rule. Finally, a CSS class is computed (latest revision or alternating styles). =cut sub next_annot { my ($currev, $r, $bg) = @_; # Get annotations from the storage engine and prepare their # layout in order to prefix every source line with its # associated annotation. my $rev = $files->getnextannotation($pathname, $releaseid); return '' if !defined($rev); my $auth = $files->getauthor($pathname, $releaseid, $rev); if ($rev eq $$r) { $rev = ' ' x 16; if ($$r eq $currev) { $rev = "$rev"; } else { $rev = "$rev"; } return $rev; } $$r = $rev; # NOTE: modern VCSes return their annotations in Unicode, but user # may have requested another display encoding (e.g. ISO-8859-x). # We don't try to transcode since this may be time-consuming for # little benefit. We just hope that, on average, truncation will # not occur too frequently in the middle of an UTF-8 sequence. # UTF-8-aware length computation and truncation is attempted only # on author's name. Nothing is done on the revision id because # it usually does not contain fancy characters (read it is numeric # with eventual ASCII punctuation). svn allows more freedom in # revision naming and may conflict with this choice. You'll also # be in trouble when displaying UTF-8 with CVS returning ISO-8859. my $la; my $pat; if ('utf-8' ne $config->{'encoding'}) { $la = length($auth); } else { use utf8; $la = length($auth); }; my $lr = length($rev); # After this call to length, $rev may be edited to contain # HTML element and $lr will be different from length($rev). # $lr reflects the number of character positions necessary # to display $rev on screen, not its content. if ($la > 0) { if ($lr+$la > 15) { # sum of 2 fields too long if ( $la > 4 && $la > 14-$lr ) { # truncate first author $la = 14 - $lr; $la = 4 if $la < 4; $auth = pack('(U)'.$la, unpack('U*', $auth)); $auth .= '*'; $la++; } if ($lr+$la >15) { # now truncate revision $lr = 14 - $la; $lr = $files->truncateannotation(\$rev, $lr); } } if ($lr+$la < 15) { # some space to distribute if ($la >= 8) { $rev .= ' ' x (15-$lr-$la); } elsif ($lr >= 7) { $auth .= ' ' x (15-$lr-$la); } else { $rev .= ' ' x (7-$lr); $auth .= ' ' x (8-$la); } } $rev .= ' ' . $auth; } else { if ($lr > 16) { $lr = $files->truncateannotation(\$rev, 15); } else { $rev .= ' ' x (16 - $lr); } } if ($$r eq $currev) { $rev = "$rev"; } else { $$bg = 1 - $$bg; $rev = "$rev"; } return $rev; } =head2 C Procedure C is the main driver for node display. =over =item 1 C<$raw> a I<"boolean"> requesting I if non zero =back It checks first for a directory described by global variable C<$pathname> to be handled by C. In I, source file is output "as is", without any editing or highlighting. Various information related to the source file are retrieved (last indexation time, VCS annotations, ...). They are checked and/or prepared for mixed output with source lines. If possible, links with other development tools are created and placed in the resulting HTML page. =cut sub printfile { my $raw = shift; if (substr($pathname, -1) eq '/') { printdir($pathname); } else { # Avoid UTF-8 sanity errors with non-text files # when tree is stored in a Git repository if ( $files->isa('LXR::Files::GIT') && ! LXR::Lang::parseable($pathname, $releaseid) ) { $files->{'git-annotations'} = 0; $files->{'git_blame'} = 0; } # Request annotated content (through defined third argument) my $fileh = $files->getfilehandle($pathname, $releaseid, !$raw); if ($fileh) { if ($raw) { print($fileh->getlines ); # } elsif ($node =~ /README$/) { # print("
			#		      markupstring($fileh, $node, $index), # FIXME
			#		      "
"); # } } else { # Check for a discrepancy between file and database states if (! LXR::Lang::parseable($pathname, $releaseid)) { print( "

\nWarning, $pathname is written in an unsupported language." , " File is not indexed.\n

\n" ); } else { my $t = indextime(@_, '', $pathname); if ('-' eq $t) { print( "

\nWarning, file $pathname was not indexed" , "\nor was modified since last indexation" , " (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

\n" ); } else { print( "

\nFile indexing completed on $t\n

\n" ); } } if (exists($config->{'cvswebprefix'})) { my $revtarget = ''; $revtarget = "#rev$releaseid" if lc($releaseid) ne 'head'; print 'View CVS Log'; } # Markup and output the source file my $currev = $files->filerev($pathname, $releaseid); my $bg = 1; my $oldrev; my $outfun = sub { my $l; $l = shift; $l =~ s/(\n)/$1.next_annot($currev, \$oldrev, \$bg)/ge; print $l; }; print '
				markupfile($fileh, $outfun);
				print "
\n"; } } else { print( "

\nThe file $pathname does not exist.\n

\n" ); if ( $files->isa('LXR::Files::CVS') && !$HTTP->{'param'}{'_showattic'} ) { print("

\n"); print('This file might exist in other versions,'); print ( ' try \'Show attic files\' or select a different', , $config->{'variables'}{'v'}{'name'} , ".\n" ); print("

\n"); } } } } =head2 Script entry point Selects the correct header and footer and launches C for the real job. =cut httpinit; std_http_headers('source'); if (exists($config->{'filter'}) && $pathname !~ $config->filter) { makeheader('source'); print("

\nFilename $pathname is discarded by the present 'filter' rule.\n

\n"); makefooter('source'); exit; } # Formerly, if the file was html, it was sent out as is. # Now, since we want to parse HTML files too, use URL parameter _raw # to interpret it through the browser, the same as for other files. if ($HTTP->{'param'}{'_raw'}) { printfile(1); } else { my $type = ((substr($pathname, -1) ne '/') ? 'source' : 'sourcedir'); makeheader($type); printfile(0); makefooter($type); } httpclean;