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Quest Cross Reference



Warning, cross-references for /kernel/include/drivers/net/ethernet.h need to be fixed.

0001 /*                    The Quest Operating System
0002  *  Copyright (C) 2005-2010  Richard West, Boston University
0003  *
0004  *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
0005  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0006  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
0007  *  (at your option) any later version.
0008  *
0009  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0010  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0012  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
0013  *
0014  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0015  *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
0016  */
0018 #ifndef _ETHERNET_H_
0019 #define _ETHERNET_H_
0021 #include "types.h"
0022 #include "lwip/netif.h"
0024 #define MAX_FRAME_SIZE 1600
0025 #define ETH_ADDR_LEN 6
0027 struct _ethernet_device;
0029 typedef void (*packet_recv_func_t)(struct _ethernet_device *dev,
0030                                    uint8* buffer, sint len);
0031 typedef sint (*packet_send_func_t)(uint8* buffer, sint len);
0032 typedef bool (*get_hwaddr_func_t)(uint8 addr[ETH_ADDR_LEN]);
0033 typedef void (*packet_poll_func_t)(void);
0035 typedef struct _ethernet_device {
0036   /* ethernet device number */
0037   uint num;
0038   /* function that should be invoked by the driver when a packet
0039    * arrives on its device */
0040   packet_recv_func_t recv_func;
0041   /* function that should be invoked by other subsystems to send a
0042    * packet out on this device */
0043   packet_send_func_t send_func;
0044   /* function that populates a buffer with the hardware address */
0045   get_hwaddr_func_t  get_hwaddr_func;
0046   /* function that attempts to poll the network device */
0047   packet_poll_func_t poll_func;
0048   /* lwip network interface struct */
0049   struct netif netif;
0050   /* driver-specific field */
0051   void *drvdata;
0052 } ethernet_device;
0054 bool net_init (void);
0055 bool net_register_device (ethernet_device *);
0056 bool net_set_default (char *devname);
0057 bool net_dhcp_start (char *devname);
0058 bool net_set_up (char *devname);
0059 bool net_static_config(char *devname, char *myip_s, char *gwip_s, char *netmask_s);
0062 /* From Linux */
0064 /**
0065  * is_zero_ether_addr - Determine if give Ethernet address is all zeros.
0066  * @addr: Pointer to a six-byte array containing the Ethernet address
0067  *
0068  * Return true if the address is all zeroes.
0069  */
0070 static inline int
0071 is_zero_ether_addr(const u8 *addr)
0072 {
0073   return !(addr[0] | addr[1] | addr[2] | addr[3] | addr[4] | addr[5]);
0074 }
0076 /**
0077  * is_multicast_ether_addr - Determine if the Ethernet address is a multicast.
0078  * @addr: Pointer to a six-byte array containing the Ethernet address
0079  *
0080  * Return true if the address is a multicast address.
0081  * By definition the broadcast address is also a multicast address.
0082  */
0083 static inline int
0084 is_multicast_ether_addr(const u8 *addr)
0085 {
0086   return (0x01 & addr[0]);
0087 }
0089 /**
0090  * is_local_ether_addr - Determine if the Ethernet address is locally-assigned one (IEEE 802).
0091  * @addr: Pointer to a six-byte array containing the Ethernet address
0092  *
0093  * Return true if the address is a local address.
0094  */
0095 static inline int
0096 is_local_ether_addr(const u8 *addr)
0097 {
0098   return (0x02 & addr[0]);
0099 }
0101 /**
0102  * is_broadcast_ether_addr - Determine if the Ethernet address is broadcast
0103  * @addr: Pointer to a six-byte array containing the Ethernet address
0104  *
0105  * Return true if the address is the broadcast address.
0106  */
0107 static inline int
0108 is_broadcast_ether_addr(const u8 *addr)
0109 {
0110   return (addr[0] & addr[1] & addr[2] & addr[3] & addr[4] & addr[5]) == 0xff;
0111 }
0113 /**
0114  * is_valid_ether_addr - Determine if the given Ethernet address is valid
0115  * @addr: Pointer to a six-byte array containing the Ethernet address
0116  *
0117  * Check that the Ethernet address (MAC) is not 00:00:00:00:00:00, is not
0118  * a multicast address, and is not FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF.
0119  *
0120  * Return true if the address is valid.
0121  */
0122 static inline int
0123 is_valid_ether_addr(const u8 *addr)
0124 {
0125   /* FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF is a multicast address so we don't need to
0126    * explicitly check for it here. */
0127   return !is_multicast_ether_addr(addr) && !is_zero_ether_addr(addr);
0128 }
0130 #endif